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Feature Focus: Reverse a Completed Payment

Written by Pei En Thong | Dec 7, 2017 4:37:02 PM

We’re only human. Sometimes, we make a mistake when processing a transaction. With Xplor Recreation, instead of refunding a payment, you can easily reverse a payment instead.


Who would use this feature?

Your front desk staff are ringing hundreds of transactions a day, and a mistake or two is bound to happen. With the appropriate permissions, your staff can simply reverse the payment and re-charge the customer on the same invoice with a different payment method or amount.


How does this feature benefit my staff?

Your customer wanted to pay by credit card, but decided she’d like to pay by cash right after you confirmed the payment. Processing a refund, and then creating a new transaction for a simple payment method change is time-consuming. By reversing the payment, you’re able to easily adjust the payment option or amount – saving you time (and reducing customer lineups)!


Great! Tell me more!

When your staff reverses or refunds a payment, they will also have to note the reason for the reverse or refund. Cleaner for accounting audits, you’ll be able to backtrack and reference the reason for the refund or payment reversal in the future.


You can reverse a completed payment in three easy steps:

  1. Access the Contact's profile
  2. Find the invoice you want to refund
  3. Hover over Actions at the right of the invoice and click Refund/Reverse Payment


For more detailed instructions, read our help file.



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