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How Xplor Recreation Mitigates Your IT Risks

Written by Kara Sy | Aug 6, 2024 8:33:52 PM

At Xplor Recreation, we help agencies succeed by providing the software and technologies they need to support their communities. 

In light of recent global events, our team has been receiving a lot of inquiries about Xplor Recreation's IT infrastructure and crisis management procedures. Understanding that your data, IT, and ability to access your online platforms are of the utmost importance to serving your customers, we're happy to share our well-established, proactive security approach with you. 

Our team protects the services that we offer through a holistic methodology that is integrated throughout our entire business model, including: 

  • 🚀 Our people 
  • 🚀 Our products 
  • 🚀 Our processes

We understand that your recreation management software is a critical component of your operations. A partnership with Xplor Recreation delivers a solution that is deeply committed to enabling you to serve your community without interruption. This means that you can rest easy, take your mind off IT risks, and focus on bringing joy to your neighborhoods and the people who live in them. 

In this article, we’ll cover our proactive approach to IT risk management, our crisis response procedures, and our 24/7, 365-days-a-year support teams. 

Mitigating Your IT Risks, from Products to People 

Maintaining the highest level of security for our customers has been integrated into every layer of our business.

4 Ways Xplor Recreation Proactively Lowers Your IT Risks 

From our internal processes to the final product that you rely on, here are four ways our team protects your organization’s information technology. 

1. Leveraging best-in-class cloud computing

In utilizing the world’s most trusted cloud computing platform, Amazon’s AWS, Xplor Recreation provides a secure digital infrastructure for our customers. With security being AWS’s top priority in business, it’s no wonder that they have never experienced a global outage. 

2. Building products with security in mind  

In addition to our partnership with AWS, we also offer IT risk management in the form of our processes. We start security as early as possible in the design, implementation and operation of our company and offerings. 

As we engineer our products, our team is constantly monitoring the progression of our technology to ensure the safety of our customers and their IT infrastructures. We integrate security into everything we do by empowering our developers to build fantastic software within secure guardrails. 

Each of our product development teams has multiple security champions, who receive specialist training on secure design, threat modelling, risk mitigation and more. 

3. Ensuring security compliance with our vendors 

Across our third-party systems, we ensure certifications of the highest security standards. We also maintain a group-level Cyber Insurance policy and certified requirements for our payment platforms. 

4. Leveraging our team of Xplorers 

We utilize our amazing team to be security assets by giving them the knowledge and tools they need to ensure our customers’ data and IT are not at risk. By offering a full security awareness program, we educate our people on privacy, notifications and cybersecurity topics.  

Our Comprehensive Approach for Crisis Management 

While Xplor Recreation has many layers of security and proactive processes in place to mitigate risk with your information technology, some events remain outside of our control. 

However, in the event of an IT crisis, we offer support in multiple different ways. This diverse approach means that, no matter what, you’ll never be left in the dark wondering what’s going on. 

1. Proactive incident response management 

Our incident response team consists of certified professionals who continually assess and maintain the security of our platform. In the extremely rare circumstance that there’s a widespread IT crisis that affects you and your community, you can count on our team to proactively: 

đź“Ś Identify the issue and its cause, so that we can begin triaging the event. 
đź“Ł Communicate with you about the issue and how your software may be affected. 
🔍 Solve the issue to ensure you can get back to serving your community as quickly as possible.

2. 24/7 support available whenever you need us 

Whenever you need assistance, we have our support team on call and ready to help you.  

You can reach out to our team 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year by phone, email, chat or support ticket. No matter the date or time, someone will be there to help you.  

Want to Learn More About Xplor Recreation? 

Book a free demo with a member of our team to learn more about how Xplor Recreation can support your organization and mitigate your IT risks.