With over 4,500 delegates at one of the largest conferences in America, the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD) did a fantastic job of promoting educational tools for attendees to strengthen the environmental community.
The Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) was also incredibly successful at providing opportunities in education and networking for those dedicated to parks and recreation. With over 170 educational sessions and 18 pre-conference workshops, IPRA ensured that everyone and their dog would learn something useful!
With community at the heart of this event, it is no wonder why Xplor Recreation felt right at home. Promoting our world-class software to help Parks and Rec communities grow in Illinois is our goal. We offer a one stop shop and competitive pricing platform to help you continuously strengthen and grow your communities.
We understand that healthy and strong communities have endless opportunities to grow-- whether it's offering an educational class, or providing a facility for a community event. This is why Xplor Recreation's flexible platform is built for you: We want to help you grow your community and soar to new heights together!
Special thanks to Betsy Armstrong, Regional Development Director, for delivering an exceptional conference session on “Email Marketing + Social Media = Exponential Results!”. "Digital marketing done right will deliver increasing costumer engagement" -- we couldn’t agree more!