June is Recreation and Parks Month

June is Recreation and Parks Month

What started in the province of Ontario, back in 2005, has expanded to all of Canada. June is Recreation and Parks Month (JRPM) is an annual awareness initiative taking place in parks, schools, recreation centres and neighbourhoods across Canada.


With JRPM events and awareness campaigns, families and children get a solid reminder to get out there and use the public facilities that your parks and recreation organizations have taken time to build and maintain. After all, an active community is a healthy community!


Now in its tenth year, June is Recreation and Parks Month boasts ambassadors all across Canada running events and programs: the Canadian Parks and Recreation AssociationAlberta Recreation and Parks AssociationSaskatchewan Parks and Recreation AssociationRecreation Nova Scotia, and Recreation Newfoundland and Labrador are all deeply involved in promoting this annual program.


With 2015 being Canada's Year of Sport, JRPM's theme for this June is "Play Every Day". There are tons of ways to promote play at your parks and recreation organization; play can be anything from organized sports to information, recreation and games. It's incredibly easy to participate and, with more and more municipalities and provinces joining, the movement is growing in its efficacy to promote healthy living, while connecting citizens and community members with great parks and recreational opportunities in your communities.


Is your parks and recreation organization located in Canada? Get involved! Go to June Is Recreation and Parks Month's official website to register and participate. Keep your eyes peeled for our following blog post outlining different program ideas for your participation in June is Rec and Parks Month. If you aren't able to get involved this year, start planning for your 2016 events early.


Don't forget to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Google+, to stay up to date with all of your Xplor Recreation news. Make sure to connect to June is Recreation and Parks Month's Facebook and Twitter as well!

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