PoS and Online Checkout
- In general, subsidies are meant to be used for items that are "owned" by the subsidy owner. A customer should not use her own subsidy to pay for items for someone else
- Now any eligible allocation owned by an activity registrant or a membership assignee may be applied on the POS Payment page, regardless of who the payers are
- You can create rules at the item level that apply only to subsidy owners who fall within a specified age range
- Use this feature to create different item-type-specific rules for various age ranges, such as Youth, Adult and Senior
- Now you can set expiry dates for subsidies relative to the activation dates of individual subsidy allocations
- For example, you can set a subsidy allocation to expire 365 days from the date it was allocated
- You may also back-date or future-date an individual allocation’s activation date
- Previously, a subsidy allocation could be used to purchase eligible items of any type until the allocation was used up
- Now you can set a rule that limits how much of an allocation can be spent toward items of a specific type, even if funds remain available to be spent on other item types
- In the past, the only option was to set the minimum amount a subsidy owner had to pay out of pocket for events, memberships or products as a fixed dollar amount
- Now, you can configure the required minimum as a percentage
- When dealing with residents, staff will now only be offered the resident fee to make sure residents get the best fee for them
- Sometimes enquirers are looking for any course at a certain time rather than having a specific course in mind
- Staff can now filter for a certain day, location, instructor or age range before searching for a course name to see what is available
- Activities can now also be edited from the results displayed
- You may wish to see the uptake of products or memberships offered when booking an activity
- The new Activity Extras Report allows you to view details of additional items that were sold with classes, courses or appointments
- You may wish to audit which of your services were paid for by subsidy
- You can now see details of subsidy allocations used to purchase activities and memberships
- It can aid planning to know how much future revenue to expect for each service
- The new Monthly Service Revenue Report allows you to view the revenue expected for each service each month, and view details of where the revenue is coming from
- You may wish to quickly check if a particular client has a balance owing
- Balances past due now show at-a-glance for each client and account
- When a client loses their access card, the replacement must be created with a new access code to ensure the previous one can no longer be used
- A dedicated replacement access code can now be generated without manual entry to ensure it is unique
Facility Booking
- Each amendment cycle is now tracked with a start and end date for each amendment period
- The amendment cycle is the foundation for current and future amendment audit capabilities
- A specific amendment reason is now applied for each amendment cycle
- When you process a contract after completing an amendment cycle a reason is saved, and a new reason will apply to the next amendment cycle
- You may want to see the net changes done by staff during an amendment cycle and provide the information to your customer for review
- Items changed are now summarized and exportable to PDF
- Each session or extra changed shows the original and current state
- You may wish to review all changes done by staff during an amendment cycle
- You can now clearly see which items have been added, changed or removed
- Every change is tracked to aid with internal audits of changes
- Rather than a new transaction being created for every amendment, the original transaction is now reused
- Previously paid amounts are reapplied automatically on POS from account credit without the need to manually apply them
- The payment records for both return to account credit and reapply for previously paid amounts are flagged as amendments
- Credit history records have a note indicating that the account credit return and reapply is for a contract amendment
- You may wish to change a number of fees for sessions across reservations, without wanting to change all the sessions
- You can now apply a bulk update to the fees of a group of sessions
- Save time by not having to update each session individually
- You may wish to view all facility bookings from a certain organization
- You can now filter the Facility Booking Report by your choice of account
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